الأربعاء، 8 ديسمبر 2010

Internet Addiction

According to definitions of addiction psychiatry is the absence of the ability to Alasingina for something, and if forced to leave it cause him to behavioral disorders, with lack of access to the state of saturation.
Causes of addiction on the Web is a combination of psychological factors and physical, social, and what makes the net a fertile environment and a highly addictive three factors as the theories that dealt with the phenomenon:
• Confidentiality - The potential offered by the Internet to get information, ask questions and get to know people without the need to define the true self to detail provides a pleasant feeling of control. In addition, the ability to appear every day in another by choice, is to achieve the dream of wild for many people.• Convenience - The Internet is a very convenient way, which usually resides in the home or work, and does not require out of home, travel or the use of justifications for its use. This facilitation provides a high presence and ease with regard to the collection of information that we did not appreciate the collection without the Internet.• Escape - like a good book or movie interesting, the Internet provides escape from reality to an alternate reality. It is possible for a person who lacks self-confidence to become a Don Juan, and introvert man finds himself to friends, anyone can adopt the same identity fabricated and that gets through all that is missing in fact.

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