الأربعاء، 22 ديسمبر 2010

Recombinant what learning Blended Learning?
Can be described as learning blender in the context of the facilitator as "a learning program used by more than a means of transport (delivery) knowledge and expertise to target in order to achieve the best possible for learning outcomes and the cost of implementing the program," nor is the importance of learning blender in just mixing styles different transport , but to focus on learning outcomes and sector work, and so can be re-formulation of this definition as follows:
Recombinant learning focuses on investigating the best for learning objectives, through the use of learning techniques "right" to meet the personal learning styles, the "correct" for the transfer of skills "correct" person "right" in time "right."
This definition includes the following principles:
- Focus on learning goals instead of means of transport experience.
- The need to support many different personal learning styles to reach the target group.
- Builds the learning experience of each individual self-knowledge is different.
- Effective learning strategy in many cases is "Access to the individual what he wants just at the time he wants."
Experience has shown the pioneers in the field of learning Recombinant be represented during the application of these principles could result in radical improvements in the efficiency and economic feasibility of the program of learning compared to traditional methods. These improvements are characterized by a high degree of depth gives them the power to change the competitiveness of the public institution.

اعداد:منال الحربي

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